The hidden response.
This site is under constant construction if you should have any issues please don't hesitate to contact us.
Went live 22/03/22 last updated 07/11/23

proudly sponsored by arts council england.
Below you will find three links-"The project" an overview of some of the things the lead artist has been getting up to with a short message. and some of the research.
Please read the project page below as it contains some insights into the project. All other relevant info can be found on this website or send us a email on the button below.
12PM- midday-
NO More Time!
Submissions / application". You can use this to enquire about the project.
Click above for an overview of the project.
Click above for direct link to email
Click above to apply
who is John Baldwin aka crackedpainter
John W Baldwin aka Cracked painter would say he got into Art by accident,
originally a plasterer he joined his local college after becoming a wheelchair user as a mature student, being unable to continue in his chosen profession.
Doing a Diploma in Art and Design he went on to study fine art and a Research Masters at Plymouth University.
His practice has been described as interdisciplinary. Not one for labels he is
Influenced by the classical approach and contemporary artists alike.
Baldwins approach to art crosses into an undefined line between science and art and often disability or ability.
His passion of the neurological and the aesthetic response is evident throughout a lot of his work sometimes obvious but often hidden.

What looks like a selfie taken in the studio is somewhat a little more.
If you study the image further you can see the artists hand in his own line of sight, look in the reflection of the glasses the phone is held in front of the artist. what is more difficult to see is that it is being held in front off somebody's face. This was created simply using a television screen paused with the desired image.
The idea was to create an image from the everyday and give it connotations of replaced identity. The idea that many social media identities are untrue and a misrepresentation of self.
The use of reflection to explain the way in which technology has and is replacing human connection.
All this from a simple selfie.
The Hidden Response.
John Baldwin aka Cracked painter 2022 in his home studio in Devon.
We know that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. .
A Distinct Identity with many heads and faces.

You have to wear many hats to become an artist and you are allowed to have fun.



yes im going to say it, ............................ yes ! yes !
I am a "Disabled Artist", Or am I an artist with disabilities?
Sarcasm inferred with air quotes.
I am a "Disabled Artist", there I’ve said it, and I will only say this on the subject and that’s it. If I rant let me know !
I have made work using the equipment and using components of disability and I have used my wheelchair in my art more than once.
Being disabled and being an artist is as much to do with being a disabled physicist , and yes that is a the late great mind of Stephen Hawking.
The work I produce and research varies. I look into the psychological processes of sounds, vision, and the absence of it, also reification that is to say I explore, dream, and imagine and I make something from the abstract idea into something real.
I was inspired at a lecture at Plymouth University a lecture about the work of a Master Artist, Tony Conrad. He is not my only inspiration the work of David Eagleman, Sue Austin, Susan Phillipze, to name a few of the many.
Most of my work contains some element of my thoughts, my research, my style is. I adapt. I have limitations and there are times when I need assistance and support for the physical stuff and sometimes confusion can set in, but like Adam Reynolds (Legend of an artist) I try to see it as a strength.
My work can be contemporized (of the moment) surreal, abstract , sometimes even in poor taste, and I always consider the neurological. My processes are as varied as I am and as complicated as us ALL .
To explain- there is a way of dealing with this. if you are disabled and an artist you need to consider how to communicate your needs. I have made my own access statement available so that it might help you build your own access statement, its an invaluable tool and an opportunity to evaluate your needs to your aspirations .
(See access statement)
I use found objects, if I think I need this in a piece of work then I will often source them second hand if I can.
For me art is about leaving a legacy.
It's not going to be easy, but nothing is.
"if it's worth doing then, it is worth doing well", this would be something that my dear Nan used to say, pearls of wisdom indeed, and she also used to say,
"if you don’t do It, it’s not done." And others like "if you’re on time your late , if your early you will always be on time!",…something my children know of and i have adopted however I once heard her pronounce
eggs with an H.
You have to laugh,and I Still miss her. (sharing my hidden response).
I digress and I'm Off point!
This is how I’m going to achieve it hopefully, with your help.
by using this website you can pick up tips from members, Myself and possibly Artists you admire but hopefully you will love or have not yet discovered some new ones.
This site is not shouting about disability it’s not taboo if you want to shout we want you to shout with your art, So many talk !
It’s time to walk the walk (pun intended)
This project "The Hidden Response" is about achieving something and making it last .
If you are interested TALK is a communications resource that is helpful, and informative-it informed my practice- we have a certificate to prove it! (Link)
If you want to make art and explore the world of art and be an artist with opportunities to exhibit and be part of research. In a healthy environment with me and my friends. Drop us a communication.
Welcome. And the “Being” an artist, is about being YOU.
We hope to help you make it happen.
I do have more writing on most of the subjects I cover which will be available to members asap. We are still in the process of building the accessible facility however why not take a look at.
Musical Chairs.
Click the home button to see the Musical chairs on crackedpainter's digital portfolio.